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authorized sales.
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No problem! You can always buy our products directly from
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Our official resellers
Via Giacomo Matteotti, 11 - 38069 Nago Torbole TN
Via Enrico Fermi, 18 - 37026 Seventh VR
Evolution Bike by Elia Viviani
Via Bassa, 39 - 37050 Valais VR
Via del Fiordaliso 10, 37051 Bovolone (VR)

Our official dealers - AUSTRIA
📍Rankweil Bike House
Langgasse 108, 6830 Rankweil, Austria

Our official dealers - SAN MARINO
📍 Fp Lab
Via Twenty-eight July, 101 - 47893 Val Dragone

Our official dealers - FRANCE
38 Avenue de la Mavéria - 74940 ANNECY LE VIEUX